Thursday, December 27, 2012

Please Hurry Up!

"Cassy get up, get up!
get out of your bed!
You will be late for school.
You are such a sleepy head!

Each day I have to say to you
Get up, get out of bed.
Why do you move so very slow?
Please hurry up!" her mommy said.

Cassy sat up so very slowly.
She put her feet on the floor.
"Today I will move faster." she promised.
You won't have to tell me anymore!"

She did seem to move a little faster
But she was still so very slow.
"Cassy, you have got to move even faster!
It is almost time to go!"

She got dressed and brushed her hair.
She put her shoes on her feet.
Then she went so very slow
to the talbe so she could eat.

Cassy did try to move a little quicker
But she was still so very slow.
"When you are done, please brush your teeth.
Please Hurry Up! It is almost time to go!"

Cassy got up and brushed her teeth.
At last she was ready to go.
"Why can't you move faster?" her mom asked.
"Why are you so very slow?"

"It is hard to move so fast
When I first get out of bed.
I will try to be quicker tomorrow!"
Little Cassy smiled and said.

"After today I won't miss the bus.
I will get out of my bed first thing.
And I will move so fast," she promised,
My speed will make you sing!"

Mommy gave Cassy a hug.
"Come on it is past time to go.
I will race you to the car,
On your mark, get set, Go!"

I originally wrote this 1/18/1994. Cassy is now 26 years old! She has 5 children of her own. She called me to say she'd seen "Tell the Truth" posted and wondered about this story! Her oldest is exactly the same way. I promised to get it up this week. If you have a child that moves at a snails pace I hope this can help you add some humor to the situation! Have a blessed day.

Copyright © 1994 [Wendy L Glidden]. All Rights Reserved.

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